The improvement at Meeting Street – Brentwood has been meaningful and significant during the past two years.
Its rating on the South Carolina Report Card has jumped two levels – from “Unsatisfactory” to
“Average.” Out-of-school suspensions have decreased while staff retention and satisfaction has
This progress has happened under the leadership of Roger Michael, and in recognition of his
work, the South Carolina Alliance of Black Educators has named Roger its Middle School
Principal of the Year.
“This prestigious recognition is a testament to your exceptional leadership, dedication, and
contributions to the field of education,” said Eric Jeffcoat, president of the Alliance of Black
School Educators. “Your exemplary service continues to inspire and uplift the educational
Roger moved to Meeting Street – Brentwood in May 2022 with nearly a decade of teaching and
leadership experience in Arkansas, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. He honed his
leadership skills as a principal, principal in resident, assistant principal and dean of students for
charter schools, and he also worked as a teacher and coach.
“Roger has been able to produce these types of results by focusing on building a strong school
culture and setting the bar of excellence high for students and families,” said Nikki Opoulos
Dickens, chief operating officer for Meeting Street Schools. “He leads his teams and school
community with intentionality, clarity, and a never-wavering commitment to doing what’s best for
his students.”
At Meeting Street – Brentwood, feedback from students and families on Roger’s leadership has
been heightened. More students feel confident in their ability to achieve while more parents feel
as if the school is helping their children learn, according to survey results.
Roger said he’s humbled to have been recognized and credited the entire school’s staff for
working together to foster a better culture that leads to better student outcomes.
“My focus is on supporting our teachers and staff to ensure our students achieve at the highest
levels,” he said. “I’m proud of what we’ve built together, and we will continue working as a team
to grow and be better for our students and families.”
Meeting Street – Brentwood is part of Meeting Street Schools, an innovative, non-profit network
of five schools dedicated to offering exceptional educational opportunities to all students. The
network includes one private school, two charter schools and two traditional neighborhood
public schools.