Two boxes, some fliers, and a group of dedicated 6th graders–that’s what it took for the Coat and Sock Drive at Meeting Street Elementary at Brentwood to go from an idea to an actual project. Kevin, 6th grader and CEO of the Coat and Sock Drive, shared his dream of opening a homeless shelter one day during an advisory group meeting when asked the question: What would you do if you had a million dollars? His response inspired other group members and together, they decided they could give back to their own community this holiday season by gathering items for their neighbors currently living in homelessness. “Everybody has their own job,” Kevin shared. Some members collected boxes, while others designed and distributed fliers with the guidance of their advisory leaders, Christopher Brown and Anthony Holland.
Brown, MSE@Brentwood’s Director of Athletics, shared that the project has been an eye-opening experience for students. Many did not think about how homelessness affects all ages, including people their own age, before beginning the project. Students are delighted to be helping those who “may not have parents” and are “proud they made the decision to give back to the community during the holidays,” said group member Thomas.
Their boxes are already filling up fast. If you’re interested in donating, you you can drop off items to the front office at Meeting Street Elementary at Brentwood (2685 Leeds Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405). They will be collecting brand new socks and gently used coats until Thursday, November 21 when a representative from One80 Place will be onsite accepting the donations.