The Meeting Street – Brentwood celebrated their newest group of Bulldog alumni at their 8th Grade Graduation. Families, teachers and students gathered to mark the end of their middle school journey and look forward to the start of their high school experience!
Meeting Street – Brentwood Graduation 2024 Transcript
As you continue your journey and move into high school, one of the key things you will need to continue showcasing, and for a little bit start over again because you’ll be with some new people, is leaning into citizenship. This means being a responsible and active member of your community, your country, and your world. You are the leaders of tomorrow. The actions you take and the choices you make will shape future generations. Each of you has the potential to create positive change, right wrongs, and make a lasting impact.
Thank you, Brentwood community, for having me tonight. It’s an honor to be here to see the Brentwood graduates walk across the stage and celebrate such an extraordinary night and event. I’m immensely proud of the work you’ve done from pre-K all the way to 8th grade.
Tonight, I get the incredible opportunity to talk about grit. Grit means courage and determination despite difficulty, because anything worth doing, anything worth achieving, anything worth accomplishing, is going to be hard. You are worthy of every challenge you face in whatever wild and precious life you want.
I can feel the love in the room from the administration all the way to family, loved ones, and friends. Congratulations on being kind, fierce, and brave. I look forward to seeing not what life offers you, but what you have to offer life. I want you to leave here tonight knowing how much I believe in your potential, how much everyone in this space believes in you. You are surrounded by people who will lift you up and empower you to do your best.
Parents, families, friends, and guests, please stand with me as I celebrate this class of 2024 Bulldogs!