
Meeting Street Schools 2023-2024 End Of Year Celebrations – Photo Recap June 12, 2024 Meeting Street Schools

The end of the school year at Meeting Street Schools is always filled with celebrations across every campus. We take this time of year to recognize our students’ accomplishments after working hard all year. It’s also a time to recognize the contributions of their families and how their partnership makes the greatest difference in their children’s education.

Notably, the biggest celebrations are for the 5th and 8th graders who are graduating from their respective Meeting Street School and moving on to their next level of education. Whether that’s middle school or high school, our Alumni Services team works with every student to ensure they’re placed in a school that is higher-performing than the school they are zoned for – many earning scholarships to sought-after private schools in the Charleston community.

Below are some snapshots of a few celebrations across the Charleston campuses, Meeting Street Academy – Charleston, Meeting Street – Brentwood and Meeting Street – Burns. You can find highlight videos from every campus on our News & Notes.